Thursday, July 4, 2024

Log Entry 12th October 2013

Just over two years "is a long time between drinks" as they say,  and a long time between posts as well. I still find it hard to believe that Lara's last outing was so long ago. Unfortunately our ability to only intermittently sail her over the last couple of years led to a decision to pass her on to another family of sailors. Selling Lara was a difficult process as she had indeed become part of the family and we as a family all grieved at one stage or another regarding her going. Sadly owning a yacht of any descriprion can be a costly affair what with upkeep and berthing costs that are entirely independent of use. That said we will quite likely buy something else in a few years a little more practical in terms of how we like to get out on to Moreton Bay.

Of course a much less critical issue created by Lara's passing is that of what to do with this blog. I certainly have no wish to delete it as still remains a fond source of pleasant memories; but at the same time I have no desire to contribute to rhe ever growing virtual graveyard of lapsed websites for whatever reason deserted by their creators.

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