Thursday, January 1, 2009

Log Entry 27th December 2008

With Christmas Day now behind us and our holidays in full swing, I was eager to spend at least a couple of days sailing. Impetus for a trip was generated by my cousin Peter, visiting from New Zealand.

A balmy summer’s day greeted us at the marina, with a 10-15 knot south-easterly wind and an overcast sky which provided relief from an otherwise scorching sun. As a late start scotched an extended trip to Peel, we meandered across Waterloo Bay to King Island,

where we anchored a couple of boat lengths off the sand spit. After an hour or two swimming, sun baking (Pete the expat Pom) and shell collecting (the girls), we enjoyed the usual Lara-lunch of snags on bread rolls, washed down with a bottle of sparkling white wine – a very nice Spanish import chosen by Peter. Hauling up the anchor, we headed north for a couple of hours, circumnavigating Green Island before turning west into the channel and the harbour.

After tidying up the boat we drove up to Wynnum and enjoyed a fish and chip dinner at the “Fish n Chips”, a popular seafood cafĂ© on the foreshore opposite the newly renovated tidal pool. A post dinner walk to the end of the jetty topped off a perfect day, where Peter, impressed by the nature and design of some of the local amenities, snapped pictures of them using his camera phone. (Pete works as a project officer for the Wellington City Council managing public works).

Image and video footage courtesy of Peter McEvoy (c) 2008

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